Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Six Ways to Make People Like You.  If you want people to like you…….
Rule 1: Become genuinely interested in people.
“Do this and you will be welcomed anywhere.”
“You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.”
“Ask questions to other people, questions that they would enjoy answering.”

When you show interest in others people will feel more comfortable talking to you but when you just show interest in yourself, people won’t want to talk to you for a long time. No one wants be just here someone talk about themselves, you have to show interest in there other person you’re having the conversation with. When your self-centered people won’t find any interest in you, a conversation is a two way thing you talk but you also have to listen to what others say. People like when you show an interest in them, it makes them feel more comfortable and want to open up to you more. Today with so much social media website people are preventing us from talking to someone face to face and we are so use to not talking to anyone face to face that we don’t know what to do when they are right in front of us. When we are in front of people having a conversation we need to show real interest.

Rule 2: Smile
“Actions speak louder than words, and a smile says, “I like you. You make me happy. I am glad to see you.”
“You don’t feel like smiling? Then force yourself to smile.”
“It creates happiness in the home, fosters good will in business, and is the countersign (witness or indication) of friends.”

 A smile is the best feature that a person has, in my opinion. When you smile you make people feel warm and welcomed, they want to be around you. Whenever I meet someone new I always smile at them and they always smile back, it the first thing that someone notices about you. When you don’t smile people might not be sure if they want to talk to you, I get if you’re a shy person but you should still always show off your smile and make people feel welcomed. I always look at people and if they’re not smiling I always wonder how they look like smiling. If they happen to catch me looking at them I just smile at them and they smile back, and when I see them smiling I get happy because they look so friendly.  Your smile is such a beautiful thing it would be greedy to keep it to yourself.

Rule 3: Remember Names
“A man’s name is to him the sweetest and most important sound in any language.”
“If you don’t remember names, you are headed for trouble.”
Remembering names is very important especially as an adult. When you go to an interview it is important that you remember the name of the person who is interviewing you. Also it is going to look bad if you have a job and you don’t even know the name of your boss or coworkers. When you don’t remember names it makes people think that you have no interest with them and that talks bad about you. You can remember names by connecting it to something in your daily life. You can also write the name down somewhere where you will see it frequently. If you meet someone new you have to remember their names especially if you are going to see them again. When you met someone new and you forget their names they think that you don’t want to be their friends. Also not remembering names make it look like you’re a self-centered person and people don’t like a self-centered person, why would they want to be around someone like that?
How to remember names:
1.    Focus on the other person.
2.    Ask a question.
3.    Create an image or association of the person with the name.
4.    End the conversation by using his or hers names again.
5.    Keep a name file.

Rule 4: Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.
“If you aspire to be a good conversationalist, be an attentive listener.”
‘’Remember that the man you are talking to is a hundred times more interested in himself and his problems that he is in you or your problems.”
Sometimes it’s better to sit back and listen to what others talk about. Sometimes people have many problems going on in their mind but they don’t see anyone that they can talk too, it’s good to notice when someone needs an ear to listen. When people talk about their problems to you, you get to know the person better and understand their situation. Also who knows if you might be going through the same thing they are you won’t know unless you ask. When talking about their problems people see things clearer and also you can give them advice on how to get through their problem or hard time. I think that when you sit and listen to someone’s problem you build a good relationship with them. People like it when they are able to talk about themselves, they feel like you genuinely care about them and they become more interested in you. It also helps them gain confidence and open up to others as well.
 Active Listening Tips:
1.    Stay Focused
2.    Really Listen
3.    Allow for Periods of Silence
4.    From time to time repeat what the other person has said

5.    Understand the emotion behind the words

Rule 5: Talk in terms of the other man’s interest.
“The royal road to a man’s heart is to talk to him about the things he treasures most.”

Talking about others interest is important when having a conversation with a person. When you talk about only you and the things that you are interested in, the conversation will not get so far the person will get tired of only hearing about you.  When you talk about the interests of the other person the conversation will go on for much longer and you will get to know the person so much better than you would only talking about yourself. When you sit back and just listen to what others say and like you learn new things and hear about other people’s experiences in their life. You never know what you can learn from sitting back and just listen to what other thinks and the way they see things. I like listening to others perspectives and ideas because my mind becomes more open to other views and possibilities. People like it when others listen to their stories and their interest. So next time that you’re having a conversation with someone makes sure that you talk about them and listen to their stories.

Rule 6: Make the other person feel important—and do it sincerely.
“The desire to be important is the deepest urge in human nature.”-John Dewey
“Helping people feel important and appreciated works magic.”
People like to feel important, everyone does. When you make someone feel important they feel how much you appreciate them and they know that you care. Just siting and listening to what other has to say makes people feel important because you’re showing them that you care enough to listen. People like talking about themselves and feeling that someone cares about them and that they want to hear what they have to say. When you make other feel important they feel good about themselves and they appreciate that you are making them feel that way. You will be able to make lots of friends and have them like you because they know that you care about them.

Ways to make people feel important;
1.    Listen while the other is talking
2.    Start a conversation with “it’s amazing how you….”
3.    Tell them you believe in them and why
4.    Encourage them to go for new thing they want
5.    Give them your time
6.    See the potential in them
7.    Tell them some secret to show that you trust and value them
8.    Enjoy a day out with them
9.    Include them in your life and events
10.                       Ask them to share something personal with you
11.                       Ask them if they need your help
12.                       Share your dreams with them
13.                       Comfort them
14.                       Give them gifts (no need for big one)
15.                       If you haven’t seen each other ask to get  together
16.                       Let them know that you’re interested in them
17.                       Tell them to make a difference
18.                       Take interest in THEIR hobbies
19.                       Give them credit for their work
20.                       Help them with their dreams

Reflection:  All of these rules seem to me like a good way to make friends. I think that if everyone applied these six rules to their lives they would make friends like a piece of cake. My favorite rule would definitely have to be SMILE. Smile is my favorite rule because I think that a smile is a person’s best feature and when they smile to a person you can tell a lot about that person and you can see how nice they are. It’s important to show people your smile whenever you first met someone so that they can feel more comfortable with you. Another rule that I like a lot is Be a Good Listener, I like this rule because how else are you supposed to get to really know a person if you don’t listen to what they are saying. Listening is a very important thing to do if you want to make friends because not a lot of people are going to like you is you never listen to them. Being a good friend means just sitting down and listening to what the other person has to tell you because sometimes that is all that they need. Although those are my favorite rules they are all equally important to fallow in the process of making friends.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

“The Six Attitudes of High Achievers”

1.  Make No Small Plans

To become a high achiever we do need to make big plans. Big plans will take us to big achievements; small plans will not get us anywhere, we need to make big planes and if we make any small plans they have to be plans that will help us reach the big plan. Life is about think big going for the best, we all need to have high achievement plans because those plans will take us places. We all have something that we want to do but the only way we are going to reach those plans is if we make set high goals and achieve them no matter what it takes. I know that I want to be a high achiever I don’t want to have a hard life; I want to make it as easy as possible for myself and the way to do that is to make sure that I have high plans that lead to high achievements. When we aim for high achievements we are sure to end up in a good place as long as we are determined to achieve them. We must also never try to get anywhere in life by cheating because if you manage to get yourself in a good work by cheating, you are not going to last very long. When we cheat through life we are sure to get caught and when we get caught there is so much that we lose like; respects, trust, accountability, and the opportunity of ever getting any better because nobody want to be with a cheater.


This is such a great quote. What it says is true the only way to get something done is by doing it. And if what you want to be is successful than you have to work hard for it because dreaming will not get you nowhere in this world but hard work will.

3. Are Willing To Prepare
High achievers are willing to prepare for anything that comes there way, they are always ready tests or pop quizzes because they are prepared. Being prepared is very important especially for high achievers because you never really know how much being unprepared will affect you until you see the consequences for not being prepared. When you are prepared you ahead of the game, you’re not behind worried about how you’re going to catch up and keeping up with the work that they already have. Being prepared also helps you accomplish your goals because you are able to plan ahead and make time for them and easily accomplish them without any rush.

This quote shows that when you’re prepared nothing will go wrong. Luck will be with you if you are prepared contrary to when you aren’t. When you are not prepared everything seems to be going wrong and you are most likely do something wrong, that is why it is always important to be prepared.

4. Are Willing to Risk Failure
Not everything you do will be successful, sometimes we are going to fail but just because we fail we shouldn’t give up. Failure may not feel great but there is always something that can be learned from it, we must always look at the possibilities of thing and know that we might possible fail. I’m not saying be negative, but we should keep in our mind that there is always a possibility of it. Failure is not always bad it teaches us how to do better, what changes we need to make and makes us look at things from a different view. Even if we fail we can always go back retry it that is the best thing, if we fail one or twice, when we go and do it again we will know what to do to not mess up again. For example inventors, do you think that every invention comes out perfect the first time? Of course not that is why they call it a prototype because they know that there is always the possibility of their invention failing and even if their invention does fail they don’t just give up on it, they find other ways to make it better until it is perfect.


I like this quote because it shows that you must always be willing to take risks even if you know that you might fail at it. Failure is risk taking and taking risks can take you far, it can really teach you things. Failure is also another way to learn when we fail we learn how to do things better and also to never give up because you will get where ever it is that you are trying to reach, it doesn’t matter how many times you fail what matters is that you keep trying and that you don’t give up on it.

5. Are Teachable

If you want to be a high achiever and be successful then you8 have to be willing to learn. To be a high achiever you need to listen to people and let them teach you things because they have experience and they can tell you what mistakes they made or how they dealt with a problem. You can learn some many things from other people experiences. It’s important that you can be taught and you’re not being ignorant or rude when someone is trying to teach you something. Also when you learn from a young age you will not feel or stressed out when problems present themselves in the future. You must also learn to take advice and know who to take advice from because sometimes the wrong person can give you wrong advice. When learning from someone, anything, I think it is always important that that person has experience and that they have faced problems because this way they can really give a sense of whatever you trying to learn is like.


6. Have Heart
What this is saying is that high achievers need be kind, being kind is a virtue that we all need to have. When we’re kind to people we make people feel good and we also make ourselves feel good too. When you are a kind person who does the right thing many people like and also they look up to you but if you’re choosing the wrong and being greedy, nobody is going to want to be around you. To have heart can also mean that you take the time to help someone out or listen to them if that’s what they need. Another way to show you have heart is to show passion and determination on your goals, we must not let anything get in the way of us achieving our goals and making our dreams come true.

Overall Reflection: These six attitudes will help me become a high achieving person. I will incorporate these six pillars in to my daily life and strive to become the best high achiever I can be. I think that with these six attitudes anyone can become a high achiever and have a great future. I have confidence that I will become a high achiever when I grow up. I will also need to set my goals and work hard to achieve each and every one of them, no one said that it would be easy but I am sure that with hard work and dedication I will make it. One of the Six Attitudes that I like is Do What They Fear. I like this one because everyone needs to be willing to take risk and do what they fear. If we only stay in our comfort zone we won’t learn new things and truly see what the world has to offer.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Way to Be
9 Ways to be Happy and Make Something of your Life
Gordon B. Hinckley
1. Be Grateful

Grateful Quote:

Being grateful is a virtue that we must all have. When we are grateful we show how thankful we are for the things that we have and for the people that are around us. When we show the people around us that we are grateful we make them feel good and we ourselves feel good too. We must all be thankful for what we have because there are other people out there that have much lesser things in the world and they are also happy and thankful. We must be satisfied with thing and how they are, it’s never bad to want more but we should all be thankful for the things we have now.

2. Be Smart

I like this quote because it has truth to it. Smart people know when to stop something they know when have reached their limits but dumb people never know when to stop. When you know when to stop you will keep out of trouble of course you also have to be smart and keep out of doing wrong things. Everything has its limits when you know where they are and when to stop you are being smart but if you are doing something foolish things that will get you nowhere and you don’t stop you will end up going nowhere in life. I want to make sure that if I do go pass the limits and push myself it will be for something that is going to get me to great places and a good life not something that would make me end up in jail. We all have to push ourselves but we mustn’t push the limits because that is where we go wrong.

3. Be Involved in Good Works

I like this quote because it shows that in life you have to get involved and make an effort to get to good places. It also shows that you are not always going to succeed on your first try but you have to keep on pushing and not give up because there are hard things in life but if it’s for a better future then it will always be worth it. For example I want to go to college but getting there is not an easy thing to do I have to put in a lot of effort and get involved in my school work, but hard work always pays off. We must all be wise and pick to get involved with good works because they are the ones that lead to a better future. When you get involved with the wrong people you are going to end up in a bad situation with bad consequences. No good come from getting involved with the wrong people. In order for you to be involved in good works is to be involved with good people.

4. Be Clean

The way I see this is quote is that it’s saying that in this world there are many bad things and it is hard to stay away from all the bad things and people in the world. But even though there are all these bad influences around us it is up to us to make sure that we stay clean from them. We must all stay away from drugs, alcohol, and bad language. Everything that leads to no good we must stay away from them because they will lead us to no good. we must all choose the right always and stay away from things that will only bring you bad consequences. even though there will be times when it is going to be hard to stay clean we must always push away the bad and accept only the good, because the good is what will lead us to a good future and a good life.

5. Be True

I like this quote a lot, it talks about how in this world there are always going to be influences that are going to change you. But it’s really up to you to make the right choices and make sure that you change for the better and not for the worse. This has to do a lot with the people around us; they are our main influences so we must make sure that the friends we make are good people, people who are not choosing the wrong just the right. When we associate ourselves with people who do good things and don’t get themselves in trouble, we are influenced by them to do the same thing. When we choose to make friends with people who are choosing the wrong, we are most likely to do the same thing. It is our choice who we make friends with whether it’s someone who chooses the right or someone who chooses the wrong, but no matter what we must all stay true to who we really are. Even if there are people around us who are not the best influence you need to stay true to who you really are and not do things that will lead to a bad path. 

6. Be Positive

I think this is a good quote referring to being positive. Being positive is what we all must do, being positive gives us motivation to do things and not quit on them so easy. When we have a positive attitude toward our goals, we are more likely to accomplish them because we already have it in our mind that we are determined to do whatever it takes to make them come true. We have to look at life with a positive attitude, when we do not we have nothing to motivate us to try and make a better life, or to set goals for ourselves. We must also be positive ourselves because then we motivate the people around us and make them want to be positive too instead of just being negative and not doing anything with their life. I want to be a positive person and always have a positive view on things even if they are problem or obstacles because being positive helps me overcome them faster. 

8. Be Still

We all have to learn to be still. Patients’ is something that we all need in our lives. To be still for days, months or even years will come in handy to us. When we’re still we see the things that going on around us we see what we couldn’t before. We understand more on why we are where we are because we are able to reflect on what our actions have been. When we are able to see what we couldn’t before our eyes open up to new possibilities in life. When we are still we see things more clearly, we can see the consequences better than we doing things out of rage and sadness. This is my idea of what being still means, I’m not sure it’s the right one but I’m sure that it’s not the only one. In my opinion I think this is a good definition of what it means.

9.Be Prayerful

These nine ways made me realize that there are many things that I need to work on to become a better successful person. They are going to be me guidance to a good future. I want to apply these nine ways and see how far they are really going to take me. I know that along the way there are going to be challenges blocking my way but I will always get through them doing the right thing and not cheating my way out of them. I think these nine ways really can help you get somewhere good in life, but many people in today's society don't follow the nine ways because there is so much cheating and greed that they see so they think that that is the only way for them to become successful. I to want to become someone successful but I want to become someone successful by doing the right things. I don't want to become a greedy person who always cheats people into getting what they want, no, I want to be some one who people can look up too and be "wow, I want to grow up to be like her."

Friday, September 25, 2015


I like this quote because it explains that through commitment you can make anything happen. If you are committed than nothing will stand in the way of you doing what you want to do. Commitment also takes determination, and sometimes it might get very hard but it is always worth doing what you want because when you are committed and determined you can do anything that you set your mind too. Commitment is a trait we must all have, when we have commitment along with goals that we want to get done, no matter what happens they will get done. Our goals will take us places, they are out plans and our future, and we all have to be determined to accomplish them.