“The Six Attitudes of High Achievers”
Make No Small Plans
To become a high achiever
we do need to make big plans. Big plans will take us to big achievements; small
plans will not get us anywhere, we need to make big planes and if we make any
small plans they have to be plans that will help us reach the big plan. Life is
about think big going for the best, we all need to have high achievement plans
because those plans will take us places. We all have something that we want to
do but the only way we are going to reach those plans is if we make set high
goals and achieve them no matter what it takes. I know that I want to be a high
achiever I don’t want to have a hard life; I want to make it as easy as
possible for myself and the way to do that is to make sure that I have high
plans that lead to high achievements. When we aim for high achievements we are
sure to end up in a good place as long as we are determined to achieve them. We
must also never try to get anywhere in life by cheating because if you manage
to get yourself in a good work by cheating, you are not going to last very
long. When we cheat through life we are sure to get caught and when we get
caught there is so much that we lose like; respects, trust, accountability, and
the opportunity of ever getting any better because nobody want to be with a
This is such a great quote. What it says is true the only way to get something done is by doing it. And if what you want to be is successful than you have to work hard for it because dreaming will not get you nowhere in this world but hard work will.
3. Are Willing To Prepare
High achievers are willing to prepare for anything that comes
there way, they are always ready tests or pop quizzes because they are
prepared. Being prepared is very important especially for high achievers
because you never really know how much being unprepared will affect you until
you see the consequences for not being prepared. When you are prepared you
ahead of the game, you’re not behind worried about how you’re going to catch up
and keeping up with the work that they already have. Being prepared also helps
you accomplish your goals because you are able to plan ahead and make time for
them and easily accomplish them without any rush.
This quote shows that when you’re prepared nothing will go
wrong. Luck will be with you if you are prepared contrary to when you aren’t. When
you are not prepared everything seems to be going wrong and you are most likely
do something wrong, that is why it is always important to be prepared.
4. Are Willing to Risk Failure
everything you do will be successful, sometimes we are going to fail but just
because we fail we shouldn’t give up. Failure may not feel great but there is
always something that can be learned from it, we must always look at the possibilities
of thing and know that we might possible fail. I’m not saying be negative, but
we should keep in our mind that there is always a possibility of it. Failure is
not always bad it teaches us how to do better, what changes we need to make and
makes us look at things from a different view. Even if we fail we can always go
back retry it that is the best thing, if we fail one or twice, when we go and
do it again we will know what to do to not mess up again. For example
inventors, do you think that every invention comes out perfect the first time? Of
course not that is why they call it a prototype because they know that there is
always the possibility of their invention failing and even if their invention
does fail they don’t just give up on it, they find other ways to make it better
until it is perfect.
like this quote because it shows that you must always be willing to take risks
even if you know that you might fail at it. Failure is risk taking and taking
risks can take you far, it can really teach you things. Failure is also another
way to learn when we fail we learn how to do things better and also to never
give up because you will get where ever it is that you are trying to reach, it
doesn’t matter how many times you fail what matters is that you keep trying and
that you don’t give up on it.
5. Are Teachable
If you want to be a high achiever and be successful
then you8 have to be willing to learn. To be a high achiever you need to listen
to people and let them teach you things because they have experience and they
can tell you what mistakes they made or how they dealt with a problem. You can
learn some many things from other people experiences. It’s important that you can
be taught and you’re not being ignorant or rude when someone is trying to teach
you something. Also when you learn from a young age you will not feel or stressed
out when problems present themselves in the future. You must also learn to take
advice and know who to take advice from because sometimes the wrong person can
give you wrong advice. When learning from someone, anything, I think it is
always important that that person has experience and that they have faced
problems because this way they can really give a sense of whatever you trying
to learn is like.
6. Have Heart
What this is saying is that high achievers need be
kind, being kind is a virtue that we all need to have. When we’re kind to
people we make people feel good and we also make ourselves feel good too. When you
are a kind person who does the right thing many people like and also they look
up to you but if you’re choosing the wrong and being greedy, nobody is going to
want to be around you. To have heart can also mean that you take the time to
help someone out or listen to them if that’s what they need. Another way to
show you have heart is to show passion and determination on your goals, we must
not let anything get in the way of us achieving our goals and making our dreams
come true.
Overall Reflection: These six
attitudes will help me become a high achieving person. I will incorporate these
six pillars in to my daily life and strive to become the best high achiever I can
be. I think that with these six attitudes anyone can become a high achiever and
have a great future. I have confidence that I will become a high achiever when I
grow up. I will also need to set my goals and work hard to achieve each and every
one of them, no one said that it would be easy but I am sure that with hard
work and dedication I will make it. One of the Six Attitudes that I like is Do
What They Fear. I like this one because everyone needs to be willing to take
risk and do what they fear. If we only stay in our comfort zone we won’t learn
new things and truly see what the world has to offer.
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