Thursday, May 5, 2016

Becoming Your Best: The 12 Principles of Highly Successful Leaders

Principle 1: Be true to character
Principle 2: Use your imagination

We should always be ourselves no matter what. Even if we’re trying to fit in or be part of the “cool” kids we should always be ourselves. Why should we have to change in order for people to like us, when we have true friends they will like us for who we are. When we try to change for someone else, what good will that brings us? I can understand if you’re changing to become a better person but if we just change so that someone can like us better, that will be of no benefit to us. No we must never change for someone else unless we are changing to be a better person, we must always be ourselves. Many say that your imagination is the strongest weapon that you can have. I agree. Your imagination allows you to be able to solve a problem by looking at it from many angles. Sometimes we may not see the solution because we are just not looking at the problem correctly. Our imagination sparks creativity which allows our ideas to flow. When we use our imagination we are able to think outside the box and that allows us to see the problem more clearly and it helps us come up with a better solution then we may have thought of.

Principle 3: Apply the power of knowledge.

Knowledge is power! We can go anywhere with knowledge, it can take anywhere we want. Without knowledge what would we do? In order to be successful we need to have knowledge. When hiring some, people look for someone who is smart and full of knowledge. Someone without knowledge won’t go very far in life, having little knowledge leads you down the wrong road because you don’t know any better. We make better decisions the more knowledge we have because we are able to see the consequences that will come from our decisions. Knowledge will lead anyone to success if they use it properly and they are willing to always gain more knowledge. That is why we go to school, to gain knowledge  so that we can use it as adults and go far with it.

Principle 4: Never give up.
Principle 5: Find peace and balance.

It is important to never give up when trying to achieve your goals. Even if we may think that we won’t be able to reach our goals because we think that it’s too hard, we need to keep going and never stop. If we give up half way from achieving our goals we won’t get anywhere in life. If we just give up on things there’s no way that we will be someone successful because we just give up. When we’re determined to achieve our goals nothing can stand in our way. Even if obstacles appear we need to push pass them until we reach our goals. It is also important to find peace and balance in our lives, without it we would be too stressed out and wouldn’t be able to do our work correctly. We need to have peace so that our minds can be clear and relaxed. We need to learn how to balance the things in our lives. Somethings we have to many things going on in our lives and we don’t know what do. This can cause stress and it can also make us lose our priorities. 

Principle 6: Live the Golden Rule
Principle 7: Build and Maintain Trust
Treat others the way you want to be treated.

We learned from a very young age that that is the golden rule.  We need to treat people how we want them to treat us. If we don’t want someone being mean to us them we must treat them kindly so that they can treat us the same way. If we go around being mean to people them that what we’re going to get in return, people don’t like being pushed around or being mistreated that is why we must treat them nicely. Even if someone come off as a mean person and treats us badly, we must not be like them and do the same to them or to others, no, we must still treat people with kindness and respect. How we treat others shows the kind of person that we are, if we go around yelling at people and calling them names no one is going to want to be around us. But if we treat people kindly and show that we have good manners then people will like you because you’re nice and you’re not trying to push them around. Treating people kindly will also lead to them trusting you because they see that you are a good person, this takes us to principle 7. When we have someone’s trust we need to ensure that we don’t do anything jeopardize that. We need to show people that we can be someone who they can trust. Being trustworthy is very important; when we lie about thing even just once people will not trust you as much. Just imagine working as an adult and you lie about something and your boss finds out. They are going to think that you are someone they cannot trust. That would limit your success if your boss can’t trust you how is supposed to give you a better job or even offer you one if you come off as untrustworthy. 

Principle 8: Quick to listen slow to wrath

There are times when all we do is let anger consume us. Instead what we need to do is just lend an ear and listen first. People have reason for telling us things, they may not always be nice thing but that is no reason to get angry. What will getting angry do? How will it benefit us? It’s better to just listen first and see what that person has to say and their reason for saying those things. Sometimes we are told things we don’t like hearing for our own benefit. For example let’s say I have a really bad habit and my friends point it out and I get angry about it. I have no reason to get mad, friends want what’s best for us and if they see that I have a bad habit they’re pointing it out to try and get me to stop not to make me feel bad about myself. If we just listen to what they need to say we’ll come out benefited because we will have stopped that bad habit. Listening is not always want we want to do but it should be what we’re quickest to do, because and an angry attitude will get you nowhere. 

Principle 9: Lead with vision.

Leading with vision is a talent. To some people it some people it comes so easy, but others have a hard time. People who have vision are great leaders they are able to see great things and they make it their goal to make their visions a reality. All great leaders have a vision for their people or a vision of accomplishing something great. They make it their goal to make those visions come true. They don’t give up, they don’t let obstacles stop them, and they fight past them until their vision is a reality. These are the types of people that we need. We need people who have something that they want to see come true, and they won’t let anything stand in their way. People, who won’t give up because the road seems tough, people who are determined. 

Principle 10: Manage with a plan.

We can’t just go and things, it is important to have a plane. If you don’t make a plane then a how are you going to know what to do first or where to start? Planning makes it much easier for a person to achieve the goal they want to reach. If you have to ask for help then don’t be afraid to do it, asking for help is nothing to be ashamed of. Getting help would most likely make it easier for you to make a plane. We need to plan how we are going to achieve our goal. The steps that have to be taken and what we’re going to do to make sure that we achieve our goal. When we have a plan we are able to reach our goals faster and become a better person. We also become more successful and we’re not just wasting our life doing nothing. Great leaders always have a plan in mind and in action.

Principle 11: Do what matters the most.

If we put of doing the things that matter, what’s going to happen to us? We need to do what needs to be done instead of procrastinating because procrastination leads to nothing. When we work hard and do what need to be done, we can be sure that we are on the road to success.  When we stay determined and work hard on reaching our goals we will become someone successful. And when we get older we will take that with us. When looking for a job and you show that you do what matters, what has to be done, they’re not just going to look over you because they can see that you are someone worth having. No one is going to want to hire someone is lazy and just procrastinates on their work. When we do the things that matter most we are headed for a good future. There will be times when we want to do something else like go out with friends or go to a party, but have to make the choice of going out or working on what matters the most now. Even if it’s hard the sacrifices we make today will be the reward of tomorrow.

Principal 12: Be accountable

How are people supposed to trust us if we cannot be accountable? In order for people to know that you are someone they can depend on you need to show them that you are an accountable person. We need to show how responsible we are and that we can handle whatever work they give us. We also show them that we are good at making decisions and that we are able to justify why we make to decisions. We show them that we make good decisions and not bad ones, that we are able to not only be responsible for ourselves but for those around us. If we grow up with these characteristics they will be our number one trademark. Who won’t want to hire someone who is responsible and makes good decisions, and someone who looks out for those around them and not just themself? 

Reflection: These gems will help me become a better person. I think any great leader that there is has there principles in them. The gems that I will find important to me are Be Accountable and Do What Matters the Most, I think these are very important to me as a person because I like having people in life who I know that I can trust. I do not like people who put things off and let the people around them down. Any great leader is dependable, people don't  want someone they feel might let them down or someone who they think will not do their job. Another principle I like is Quick TO Listen Slow to Wrath because as a leader you need to be able to listen to the ones around you. Sometimes you may not like what you are hearing, but we must still listen because sometimes we are told things we don't want to hear for our own good. A leader can't just get mad and throw a tantrum, no, they need to be collective and listen to there fellow audience. 

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